Fusion Prostate Biopsy

Many men do not get a stiff penis when they sexually come close to their female partners. In the beginning, they do not come to know why this happens to them. After diagnosis, men come to know that it is due to prostate cancer.

When men urinate, they do not notice the flow of the urine. The thin stream of urine of men determines that a man has prostate cancer. Some men experience a problem while urinating and experience sharp pain in the pelvic area. It becomes tough for some men to control their urine which makes their urine leak. Some men feel shocked and afraid when they see blood in the urine.

Prostate cancer is a rising concern that a lot of men develop at a certain point of age. In the early stages of prostate cancer, the disease is not treated because men do not pay heed to it. When the disease reaches the last stage, there is nothing left to do other than surgery.

Men with prostate issues should know that this disease is treatable if it is detected at an early stage. When the disease gets detected at a later stage of life, patients are left with surgery. To know the present condition of prostate cancer, a fusion prostate biopsy is executed on a patient.

Why A Fusion Prostate Biopsy Is Carried Out On Patients? 

To have an in-depth look at your prostate health, a fusion prostate biopsy is the appropriate test. This test consists of several technologies that help guide a healthcare physician in the process of executing a biopsy of the prostate.

A healthcare physician may consider an ultrasound or an MRI to detect particular regions of the prostate which confirms a doctor about prostate cancer. From the fusion prostate biopsy, a medical provider can come to know how far the cancer has reached and whether a patient needs surgery or not.

If your medical professional suspects prostate cancer, an extensive and early diagnosis is essential in patients. The prostate fusion biopsy is a combination of two types of images that help a doctor get a clear image of the prostate.

After seeing the extensive images which are clear, doctors decide whether a biopsy is needed or not. A biopsy is a process where a small portion of tissue of the prostate is taken out. The biopsy results determine the status of cancer in the prostate.

Why A Fusion Prostate Biopsy Is Recommended To Patients?

After conducting a prostate-specific antigen test many times, a medical professional recommends a fusion prostate biopsy. A blood sample is treated in the PSA test to determine the levels of PSA. Not one time, but a PSA test is conducted on a patient many times.

If the results create worries in a doctor’s mind, he opts for a biopsy. In a traditional test, tissues from different parts of the prostate are removed through an ultrasound test. This test does not let your healthcare provider see which parts of the prostate have cancer cells.

With the advent of a fusion prostate biopsy which is the advanced stage of MRI, a 3D image can be seen. These 3D images help medical professionals get a clear picture of the prostate.

The images help the team of doctors to detect tissue in the prostate. When a doctor opts for a fusion prostate biopsy, he can rely on the results and repeated tests of biopsy are not needed. With the help of this advanced test, no repetitive tests are required. The 3D images are so clear that doctors can easily view the cancerous parts of a prostate.

Prime Advantages Of a Fusion Prostate Biopsy

* Through this test, a healthcare physician can spot the tumors in the 3D images. Through the test, your doctor will then decide what type of treatment you need.

* The prostate MRI biopsy gives a clear picture of the tumors that are growing slowly or growing rapidly.

* This advanced biopsy method avoids treatments for the tumors that are growing slowly.

* Doctors can also view the size of the tumor in the prostate. The biopsy test will also help medical professionals detect if there is one tumor or more than one tumor in the prostate. Moreover, doctors can also locate the exact place where the tumor is situated.

What Treatment Options Are Needed For Treating Prostate Cancer?

At the initial stage, no test is done for men who live more than 10 years. Depending on the symptoms, tests are determined by a medical professional.

If a doctor suspects that a man has prostate cancer, he does the PSA test. If worrisome results are found in the PSA test, a doctor goes for a fashion prostate biopsy test.

A doctor may use radiation therapy which exterminates cancer cells in the prostate. Two types of radiation therapies are there in the medical field. Your doctor may opt for internal radiation therapy or external radiation therapy.

There are also other therapies that a medical provider may use on a patient. Some other therapies include hormone therapy, biological therapy, chemotherapy, and Cryotherapy.

To eliminate cancer cells in the prostate, a high-intensity ultrasound is used in a patient’s body.

What Happens When The Advanced Biopsy Takes Place In A Patient’s Body? 

MRI is the first step of the advanced biopsy. When your medical practitioner gets the MRI result, the team of doctors starts the next procedure of putting an ultrasound probe inside the rectum.

Your medical practitioner views the images of the MRI with the help of 3D images which produce vivid images of the prostate. Your healthcare provider will take the sample from other areas of the prostate and the lesions. For an accurate diagnosis, these tests are required. The tests will finally determine the condition of the prostate and which stage of the cancer is.

Preventive Measures To Stay Away From Prostate Cancer 

* Men need to be sexually active through ejaculations. The more a man ejaculates, the less are the chances of getting prostate cancer

* Lower the risk of prostate cancer by consuming less alcohol. In addition, smoke less or quit smoking cigarettes to improve your sexual health.

* Increase the intake of vitamin D through foods such as egg yolk, salmon, and mushrooms. Have vitamin D supplements if needed to increase the amount of vitamin D. Have a walk under the sunlight firing half an hour to derive natural vitamin D.